If you are interested in being baptised please contact the office as we are starting a four week course on the 19th of June.
Mevan’s Dance Class
Join us for dance and fitness on Wednesday the 19th of June , there is a £3 donation please email the office for more information.
Welcome Gaby
A Note From our Vicar
It’s with a heavy heart that I write this. I’ve decided it’s time for me to leave St Stephens. I’ve handed in my notice, which has been accep
Cake sale for Christian Aid Please come along to help us to raise money for Christian Aid. On 17th May from 10am there will be great company
December 2022 Services
Everyone is welcome at our December Services . they are as follow : 4th Dec altogether communion & world cup celebration @10 am. 11th De
Remembering Her Majesty the Queen
St Stephen's church building will be open for quiet prayers and reflection on the life and faith of Her Majesty the Queen on the dates and times belo
St Stephen’s Public Statement January 2021
Dear friends,As we enter into another national lockdown we will again close the church building for services and return to zoom. Although we could re
A Note from Rev Jon re Maundy Thursday & Easter Weekend
Dear friends, My thoughts and prayers are with you all this Holy week. Thursday in Holy week (Maundy Thursday - from the latin word for mandate
Sunday Services
Our Sunday services begin at 10am and are followed by tea and coffee afterwards. On the first Sunday of every month we have an Altogether Worship ser