St Stephen’s Church, Ullswater Road
1986 – 4th October – The formal opening of the St Stephen’s Parish Room.
1986 – October – Rev Graeme Parfitt writes: “What now?…Our church building is better adapted for family worship and Community use and the church is really about people. We want to see more people regularly attending our church to worship God. But in addition to providing a centre of worship we are called to proclaim the love of God in the world…Jesus said “I am among you as one who serves” and He calls us to serve as individuals and as a church community. The way forward is through loving service to people. It goes on all the time within our church. It was at the centre of our Stewardship plan. Let us recommit ourselves to Christ’s service as we move forward to the next phase.”
1984 – 3rd October – Silver jubilee of the present church.
1983 – The church committed themselves to ‘stewardship’. In faith and after much thought and prayer it was decided and planned to develop the church and its mission under the guidance of God.
During the ensuring three years many people worked hard, raised money, and used their talents in all kinds of ways to provide heating and greater flexibility of use for the church building.
1959 – 3rd October – St Stephen’s, Ullswater Road dedicated by the Bishop of Bristol, Rev Dr. F. A. Cockin.
1959 – Rev M Bourne, inducted as curate.
1958 – 25th March – The first turfs for the new church on Ullswater Road were cut.
St Stephen’s Church, Shetland Road
1955 – September – Rev M E R Mannox Inducted as vicar. Rev D Phillpott & Rev A Tipper were curates.
1955 – 8th May – Holy Communion was broadcast from St Stephen’s church.
1954 – Rev Charles McQuillon, inducted as curate.
1951 – The side aisle of the church was added, which became the Lady Chapel.
1950 – Rev C A Tester, inducted as vicar.
1948 – Rev Merlin Davies, inducted as curate.
The parish was growing rapidly, many new young families settling on the new estate and the men and women were returning from war work. Organisations already in existence were filling up and new ideas were needed. The Youth Club, Mother’s Union, Young Mums, CEMS, House Churches and Groups, Old Tryme Dance Club, Monthly Parish Meetings and more Sunday Schools were arranged and well attended. Pantomimes were produced at Christmas, Easter mimes, bazaars and fairs took place. Whist Drives run by the Scout Parent Association were held.
1947 – 5th October – Holy Communion was celebrated at 9.30am for the first time.
1947 – 3rd October – Rev Derek Tasker, licensed as vicar.
During the war years the church carried on minus most of the men and young women who had been ‘called up’ for military service.
1940 – May – The church was extended with a new sanctuary added and dedicated.
1940 – Rev Darong Jones, inducted as curate.
1938 – Rev A Stevens, inducted as curate.
1936 – 8th March – The first confirmation service service took place.
During this time the Sunday School, Mother’s Fellowship, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Men’s Club, were all flourishing.
1934 – October – Rev C H Bastow – inducted as vicar.
1934 – 14th July – The church moved to the new building in Shetland Road and was dedicated to St Stephen.
The Mission Church, Southmead
1933 – 19th February – The first vicar, Rev Samuel Higgs, inducted to the New Conventional District of Southmead.
1933 – The first Parish magazine, priced one penny was produced.
1932 – 23rd October – A ‘Red Letter Day’ for the Mission church following a visit from the Bishop of Malmsbury.
1929 – The church in Southmead started as a Mission Church on Southmead Road, and was part of the parish of Westbury on Trym. The Clergy, organists and other helpers took the services and ran Sunday schools and other organisations.