The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Revd. Jon Roberts has been appointed Vicar of St Stephen’s Southmead.
Jon will move to Southmead in October 2019 and his collation service will be at St Stephens on Monday 25th November 2019 at 7.30pm, with light refreshments to follow.
Jon came to faith whilst a student at Reading University, working at the Chaplaincy there for a year after graduation. He then worked for two years at a charity called Christian Community Action, whilst exploring his vocation.
Jon trained for ministry at Ripon College Cuddesdon in Oxford before beginning his curacy in the Dorchester Team Ministry in Oxfordshire. Jon is originally from Taunton in Somerset and also spent two years living in Bristol prior to University – so he’s relishing a move back to the West Country!
Jon says:
“I’m married to Rachel and together we have two boys aged four and one. We’re really excited to be moving to Southmead and Bristol, and can’t wait to settle into the community and church.
I’m very passionate about the Kingdom of God, reaching out through mission, issues of social and environmental justice, and deepening our faith together. I have a deep love of the outdoors and all things nature, have far too many interests and hobbies, and enjoy reading and writing as well.
I’m really looking forward to meeting you all and getting to know you, as we journey together in faith, growing St Stephen’s as a church and the Kingdom of God in Southmead.”
Bishop Viv adds:
“I’m delighted that Jon is coming to be the Vicar of St Stephens. I know how together you share the love and presence of Christ in Southmead. Be encouraged. My prayers for you, for Jon and his family as this new chapter begin.”