
We work with a number of different groups – in Southmead, the UK and the world.


St Stephen’s is part of the Southmead Churches Together group which meets for joint services every couple of months. The church leaders work together so that we can support one another in helping to transform the lives of people in Southmead and to show them God’s love.


Rising food and fuel prices, static incomes, underemployment and changes to benefits are some of the reasons why increasing numbers are being referred to foodbanks for emergency food.

Serving the communities of Horfield, Lockleaze, Southmead, Filton, Patchway and Bradley Stoke, the North Bristol Foodbank provides a minimum of three days emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis.

Bristol & UK

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St Stephen’s is the Anglican parish church of Southmead, which is in the Diocese of Bristol. As an anglican church we are part of the Church of England.

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The church has a strong link with Trinity College, Bristol. We are delighted to welcome a group of students to minister alongside us.

The World

As a church, we support aid and relief work in the third world through the following organisations:


The Toilet Twinning Campaign is raising funds to enable people living in poor communities to have clean water, a decent toilet, and to learn about hygiene – a vital combination that prevents the spread of disease, reduces the number of deaths among children, and brings hope for the future.


Compassion International works through local churches in poor communities around the world to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. We are proud to partner with compassion in sponsoring 4 year old girl called Esther from Mexico and praying that she fulfils her God-given potential.