Easter Celebrations

This Easter join in with the story…

There are several ways that we are remembering and celebrating the Easter story, following the story from Jesus with his disciples through to the cross and then his resurrection. Each part of the story helps in finding out how God revealed his love for everyone through the life of Jesus.

13th April  Maundy Thursday 7pm – an evening service with Tenebrae

14th April Good Friday 2pm – the third hour at the cross service

15th April Saturday 11.30am-1.30pm – Messy Easter, a fun family day with activities, Easter egg hunt and a free lunch

16th April Easter Sunday 10am – Easter day celebration, worship for all ages

Join in with the story this Easter. Everyone is welcome to come to the services and celebrations as the story unfolds. Thursday the story starts with the Passover meal Jesus had with his disciples and where he washed their feet. Then into Friday where we remember Jesus’ death on the cross, where he died to bring everyone back to God. Then on Saturday we have a day for the family and children to learn the whole story and have some fun! Sunday is the culmination of the whole story, the resurrection of Jesus, when we celebrate that Jesus cam back to life to bring life to all.